The Refund Panel & An Overview of the Refund Process

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    Every buyer on Concordia Market has the ability to request a refund from a product.   The seller manages the refunds through the refund request panel.

    The seller will receive an email notification that a customer has requested a refund.  Upon notification, the seller will log into their Vendor dashboard and select the "Refunds" tab on the left tabs.




    The seller will locate the refund request from a list of refunds that will appear in the new window.  The tutorial below will help clarify the refund process from the seller's perspective.

    Step 1: Notification of a refund request

    The seller will receive an email notification that a customer has requested a refund.  Upon notification, the seller will log into their Vendor dashboard and select the "Refunds" tab on the left tabs.

    Step 2: Review the Request

    The seller will locate the refund request from a list of refunds that will appear in the new window and select the "view" option.

    Step 3: Determine the appropriate response

    The seller has three options,

    1. Send a Message- Use the message box to post a response.  It is helpful to keep the conversation within the message box to capture documentation which might be helpful should the case get escalated in the future.
    2. Approve the Refund- By selecting the approval button, the seller is committing to return the purchase price for the item.  Unless, it is stipulated in your return policy, the seller will need to return the entire purchase price.  The seller can stipulate that the total amount less the transaction fee will be returned.
    3. Deny the Refund- The seller has the option to deny the refund.  This option is only available if the refund request does not fall within the parameters of your shop's stated refund policy.  If the shop does not have a stated refund policy, the shop will have a difficult time justifying a denial of the refund.

    Step 4: Refund Approved: Next Steps

    Once a vendor has approved a refund, it is sent to the admin backend.

    The seller will need to arrange repayment with the buyer.