Vendor Dashboard Settings

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    The settings option in the Vendor Dashboard control what is displayed in the store and in the dashboard.  Please take time to review the settings and adjust them to reflect the specifics of your shop.  This tutorial will provide a quick overview of the settings panel.

    Store Information

    Use the store information tab to adjust the contact information and brand images used in the shop.  You can open the shop information panel by selecting any of the lines.  The panel (see inset) has four tabs.

    A- Contains the store information.  The panel also allows you the option of hiding the email address and phone number on the store.

    B- The Address tab contains the address of the shop.

    C- The About Us tab contains a brief one or two paragraph statement about the shop.  Note that if you would like to share more information about your ministry, you can request a free listing from Concordia Market or link to your website.

    D- The Image tab is used to place branding in your shop.  The profile picture will often be displayed at 150pxX150px.  The banner will best be in 16:9 wide format.  You can replace the image by select the "Clear" word in the upper right corner.


    Currently, we do not use any of the built-in shipping features of the market.  There is nothing to edit in the shipping tab.

    Support Settings

    The support settings allow the vendor to determine the method their customers will use to contact with the shop staff.  The support channel options include:

    Support through messaging panel- This is the default setting.  The customers will use the Concordia Market messaging system to contact the sellers.

    Support through external URL- This option is used if your organization has its own support system on a separate website.

    Support through a dedicated email address- This is the least preferred method because it does not leave a record of correspondence within the Concordia Market system.  However, for vendors that do no regularly check on their shop, it is a better option that the messaging system.

    Vacation Mode

    The Vacation Mode setting allows vendors to notify their customers that their shop will be closed for a period of time.  During the vacation period, the shop's products will not be available for purchase.

    • To enable the Vacation Mode, select the "Enable Vacation Mode" button.
    • The Closing Time drop-down enables the vendor to schedule the closing time.
    • The Set Vacation Message box allows the vendor to set a message that will display on their shop home page.

    Store Notice

    The store notice will display a message on the store's page.  It does not interfere with the regular operation of the shop or the customer's ability to purchase products.

    Store Policies

    When the store policies are enabled, the customers will have access to the key policies of the store, including the return policy, use policy, and shipping policy.  Vendors can find examples of policies in the Doc's tab of the Vendor Dashboard.

    Store Categories

    Currently, Concordia Market doesn't use the store categories in its store layout.  Our customers interact with the store on the product level.  However, if you would like to set your category(s), select the blank field and a dropdown list with the category options will appear.  Select one or more categories that best describe the focus of your shop.

    Store SEO

    SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is a critical key to speeding-up the search function of Concordia Market and your shop's presence in the internet at large.

    • SEO Title- This is the name of your store
    • Meta Description- This is a brief one-line description of your store's content.  The Meta description will not appear on the site, it is used by the search bots.
    • Meta Keywords- You want to include as many keywords as you can imagine that accurately describe the contents of your shop.  Each key word should be separated with a comma and no spaces.


    Profile Settings

    The profile settings allow the vendor to adjust the notification settings for their shop.  It is best practice to keep them all enabled.

    Enabling the The Dashboard settings to AJAX load should only be done when the shop has more than 20 products.