
Concordia Market: equipping God's people for mission focused living.

Photo by Jenny Ueberberg on Unsplash

About Us

We are convinced that our congregations become stronger and healthier as we increase the number and variety of voices that are speaking the truth in love among us. We are committed to building a community of individuals whose work supports the spread of the gospel.

Concordia Market is a community of content creators committed to empowering God’s people for mission. Community Market is a gathering of online shops through which content creators provide the larger church body access to resources that support their mission and ministry. By gathering the shops in a community system, we can amplify the digital presence of the content creator and offer the consumer a more productive search experience.

Our Challenge

The Marketplace Project is focused on three challenges hindering many ministries:

  1. Current resources available to the individual or the local congregation do not focus on missionary formation. In other words, there is a lack of quality resources which are focused on equipping people to be everyday missionaries.
  2. As ministries shrink and the cost of church workers increase, many ministries cannot find quality Lutheran resources which they can afford.
  3. Many content creators are not able to connect with their target audience. The difficulty in the connection may be the limitations of print-focused publishers or it may be their e-resources are lost in the massive data dump from a traditional search engine request.
Photo by <a href="https://unsplash.com/@icons8?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Icons8 Team</a> on <a href="https://unsplash.com/s/photos/business-meeting?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a>

Market Features


Concordia Market will serve as a distribution hub for resources for mission and ministry. The resources will include printed material, downloadable content, music, and video content.


Concordia Market will serve as a connection point for those seeking assistance in their mission journey and those who have the skills and knowledge to help them be successful.


Concordia Market will provide a collection point for mission trips and service opportunities. Those seeking to serve God in hands-on experiences will be able to find mission experiences that can be tailored to the needs of their ministry.


God's people have an incredible capacity to develop exciting and diverse mission projects. Concordia Market will allow entrepreneurial missionaries a platform to develop support for their mission projects.

Market Preview


Join Our Financial Support Team

Concordia Market is a community effort, led by a volunteers. We are organized around the compelling desire to maximize the mission capacity of God's people by minimizing the costs of content creation and distribution. Therefore we rely upon individuals and partner organizations to join us in this ministry.

Concordia Market is entirely supported by donations. To keep expenses low, the Concordia Market leadership team is composed entirely of volunteers. Yet Concordia Market has fixed expenses for operation including ongoing development in web security and technology infrastructure, support staff to assist with customer and market seller support, and website hosting for the Market and media content.

In addition to the fixed expenses of operating Concordia Market, Concordia Square publishing invests in the development of mission focused content. Our current project that is in the early stage of development is a mission focused curriculum for Junior Confirmation. The curriculum we provide congregations much needed tools to prepare our children to not only defend the faith, but live as missionaries in this confusing world. We hope to reverse the trend of losing our children to the world as they move from Junior Confirmation into High School and beyond.

Check may be made out to our umbrella organization, Mission Partners Platform and mailed to our P.O. Box Mission Partners Platform, P.O. Box 13, Milan MI 48160-8777. If you would like to speak to arrange a larger donation or reoccurring donation please send us an email at: .

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